Interview Jacques Souquet Founder & CEO Supersonic Imagine.
Annual Results 2014 and perspectives

16 mars 2015 17 h 19 min
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The Company SuperSonic Imagine published his Annual Résults 2014. « Revenue totaled €21.6m in 2014, up +27% compared to December 31, 2013. Excluding other revenue, which essentially consists of technology access fees and collaborative product development, SuperSonic Imagine’s annual sales were up +17% at €19.8m (vs. €17.0m in 2013). Driven by a growing installed base, which exceeded the 1,000 Aixplorer unit mark during December 2014, revenue from the service activity increased by +19% to €1.6m in 2014 (vs. €1.4m in 2013). »

I talk with Jacques Souquet Founder & CEO Supersonic Imagine about this Year 2014, and perspectives for the company.


About SuperSonic Imagine


Founded in 2005 and based in Aix-en-Provence (France), SuperSonic Imagine is a company specializing in medical imaging. The company designs, develops and markets a revolutionary ultrasound system, Aixplorer®, with an UltraFast™ platform that can acquire images 200 times faster than conventional ultrasound systems. Aixplorer® is the only system that can image two types of waves: ultrasound waves ensure excellent image quality and shear waves, which allow physicians to visualize and analyze the stiffness of tissue in a real-time, reliable, reproducible and non-invasive manner. This innovation, ShearWave™Elastography, significantly improves the detection and characterization of numerous pathologies in several applications including breast, thyroid, liver and prostate. SuperSonic Imagine has been granted regulatory clearances for the commercialization of Aixplorer® in the main global markets. Over the past years, SuperSonic Imagine enjoyed the backing of several prestigious investors, among which Auriga Partners, Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners, Bpifrance, Omnes Capital and NBGI.