La Web Tv partenaire de CF&B Communication, pour le Biomed Event 2017 qui réunit entreprises biotech et medtech sur une journée. Supersonic Imagine a développé le produit Aixplorer® dans l’imagerie échographique : l’Élastographie ShearWave™ , la technologie Doppler UltraFast™, Angio PL.U.S, PLanewave UltraSensitive™ Imaging et maintenant TriVu, mode simultané en temps réel combinant mode B, SWE et couleur+. Nous […]

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The Company SuperSonic Imagine published his Annual Résults 2014. « Revenue totaled €21.6m in 2014, up +27% compared to December 31, 2013. Excluding other revenue, which essentially consists of technology access fees and collaborative product development, SuperSonic Imagine’s annual sales were up +17% at €19.8m . Driven by a growing installed base, which […]

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